Name and Address
This organization shall be named INDIAN SOCIETY FOR PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS and the address of the Registered Office of the Society is Department of Statistics, S.V.University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.
The objectives of the Society shall be the advancement of, the conducting of research in, the study of, the promotion and propagation of knowledge in Statistics and Probability through exchange of information, the establishment and maintenance of professional and academic standards of work known as Statistics, the improvement of methods and techniques of Statistics, publishing professional journals and conducting professional examinations as elaborated under.
- To provide a forum for discussion on all matters concerning the development and application of Statistics and Probability in all fields of human Endeavour.
- To establish, maintain, control, manage the Executive committee, and to assist the Statisticians throughout the country and from time to time determine the rights, privileges, obligations and duties of such Statisticians.
- To assist technically, financially or otherwise the growth and development of the science and practice of Statistics
- by conducting and/or participating in seminars, workshops, discussions, lectures, conferences, public meetings, film exhibitions, radio, television and any other electronic media;
- by teaching and organizing formalized instruction programmes, conducting examinations and/or advising on the content of papers for examination on the subject;
- by conferring titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic and professional qualifications;
- by sponsoring, instituting or awarding research scholarship, fellowship, prizes and training schemes;
- to prepare, edit, print, publish, circulate, acquire, sell or otherwise distribute such journals, periodicals, books, papers, leaflets, films, and mechanical and other models and equipment, as the Society may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives;
- to establish, form and maintain office, libraries, exhibitions, collections and displays of literature, statistics, exhibits and information relating to Operational Research and allied disciplines;
- to offer and carry out advisory and consultancy services to industry, Government, educational and all other institutions engaged in human endeavour, to achieve benefits from optimization of resource utilization and further the boundaries of Statistics and allied sciences.
- to purchase, take on lease or on exchange, hire or otherwise acquire propertity, movable or immovable, and any rights or privileges which may be deemed necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society, and to improve, develop, manage, sell, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Society;
- to construct, maintain or alter any building or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society;
- to accept grants, donations, endowment, gift or legacy in favour of the Society whether subject or not to any special trusts or conditions for the furtherance of any of the objectives of the Society;
- to borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Society in such a manner as may from time to time be decided.
- to prescribe, demand and receive fees, fines and other charges
- to invest the money of the Society, not immediately required, in such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be decided;
- to be affiliated to any other institution, society or association having objectives wholly or in part similar to any of those of the Society. and to co-operate with any person or persons in pursuance of such objectives;
- to do any other work either alone or with others and either as Principals, Agents, Trustees or otherwise as may be conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Society.
- The income and property of the Society shall be utilised only for the purpose of promotion of the objectives of the Society as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the members of the Society. This would identify the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics as being a non-profiteering
- Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration, as decided by the Executive committee, to any officer or servant or member of the Society, in return for any service actually rendered to the Society but that no officer or any other member of the Executive Committee shall be paid except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses and other reasonable expenses incurred for the Society as decided by the Executive committee.
Any person interested in becoming a member shall, before he can do so, sign and deliver to the Society an application for admission to membership, addressed to the Secretary or his designated representative, in such form as the Executive committee may from time to time decide and such application shall be accompanied by the appropriate dues as defined in the Bye-laws of the Society.
However, a person will become a member only if his/her application is approved by the Executive committee or by the President / Secretary authorized by the executive committee to do so;
Office Bearers
- Office Bearers and Executive committee of the Society shall be in good standing for at least five years as life Members of the Society and should be below 62 years of age.
- The office bearers of the Society will be-
- The President shall function as the Constitutional head of the Society performing all duties required by the Constitution and Bye-laws, or, if not there, as specified by the Executive committee.
- The Vice-Presidents of the Society will assist and advise the Presi¬dent in all matters in furtherance of the objectives of the Society as provided in the Constitution. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President present in a Executive committee meeting will preside over the meeting while in such an event if more than one Vice-President is present, one of them will be elected to preside over the meeting by the members present.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for observance of all provi¬sions in this Constitution, Bye-laws and implementation of all reso¬lutions adopted by executive committee.
- The Treasurer will carryout his/her duties keeping in view the financial health of the Society in all aspects and shall function in a manner that will assist the President / Secretary in furthering the objec¬tives of the Society as required by this Constitution, Bye-laws and decisions of the Executive committee.
Executive Committee
- All office bearers of the Society shall be life members of the Society in good standing for at least five years.
- The Executive committee shall manage the affairs of the Society and shall call meetings, lay down publication policies, invest and administer the funds of the Society and approve the appointment of such committees as may be required from time to time.
- The elected office bearers in the office of the Society, the immediate Past-President (unless resigned or deceased), President, secretary, Two vice Presidents, Treasurer, Chief editor, Joint secretary and other elected members shall constitute the executive committee of the Society. The web master is ex-office member of the executive committee.
- The elected executive committee shall have the right to co-opt up to three members in the executive committee to balance the representation from each region of the country. It will also nominate a life member as web master to maintain and look after the updates of the society web site.
- The President of the society can invite past presidents of the society or any other person as special invitee to the executive committee meeting depending upon the circumstances.
Election and Tenure of Office Bearers and other members of the Central Council
- The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee comprising three Senior Members / Fellows in good standing, with the approval of the executive committee, either through a meeting so held or by circulation, at least.100 days prior to the Annual General Meeting to be held in the year in which the election is due. The Nominating Committee shall be authorized to nominate a life member of at least 10 years standing in the society as returning officer.
- The President of the Society, with the approval of the Executive committee, will appoint a Returning Officer at least 90 days prior to the AGM for conducting the election to the posts.
- The returning officer shall seek nominations for one or more candidates for each office to be filled, keeping in mind the requirement as stipulated in the Constitution or its bye-laws by circulating the election notification to all members of the society Each nomination paper shall bear the signature of the nominee(s), proposer and seconder. For the chief editor post the candidate must have a good academic record with at least 40 research publications in SCI journals.
- All nomination papers are to be received by the Returning Officer. In case of insufficient/ no nomination for any post(s) of executive committee, the out going executive committee make such nomination to the in coming executive committee.
- Not less than 60 days before the next annual meeting, the returning officer shall mail to each eligible member a ballot form as finalized by the Returning Officer, containing the panel of the candidates. Every member, other than student members, who does not have any outstanding dues to the Society as on 30th June of the year in which the election is due will be eligible to vote.
- No ballot shall be counted unless signed by a qualified voter to indicate his/her choice and received by the Returning Officer in a sealed envelope bearing the voter’s name not less 25 days before the next annual meeting.
- The ballots shall be counted by tellers appointed by the Returning Officer and the result of the tally shall be announced at the next annual meeting, at which time the candidates receiving the largest number of votes for the office to be filled shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote for any office, the returning officer will be authorized to put the casting-vote and the panel thus elected will be announced at the next Annual Meeting.
- The tenure of the office bearers and the members of the executive committee shall be for a period of two calendar years (1st January to 31st December).
- The post of the President, if falls vacant before the expiry of the term, shall be held by one of the Vice-Presidents to be elected by the executive committee members as existing at the time the vacancy occurred. In case of vacancies in the posts of Vice-Presidents and Council members, no action shall be taken to fill these vacancies the next scheduled term of elections. However, in case of vacancies caused in the post of the Secretary and Treasurer the executive committee shall either fill in the vacancies for the remaining period of the term from among the elected executive members or would take such steps as necessary to fill in the vacancies through regular ballot.
- Schedule of Election : In terms of the Clause 1, Article-VII, the following schedule is to be observed for conducting the election of the All dates are to be computed prior to that of AGM for the year in which the election is due.
Time Schedule
Selection of Nomination Confimittee
At least 120 days
Selection of Returning Officer
At least 90 days
Issue of nomination papers
At least 120 days
Receipt of nomination papers
At least 90 days
Withdrawal of nomination
At least 75 days
Finalization of panel of nominees
At least 73 days
Issue of ballot papers
At least 70 days
Receipt of ballot papers from voters
At least 25 days
Declaration of result
At least 20 days
- The accounting period for the Society shall extend from 1st January to 31st December.
- True account shall be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the Society, and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place and the credits and liabilities of the Society, and subject to any reasonable restrictions as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in accordance with the regulations of the Society for the time being in force, shall be open to the inspection of the members with voting rights. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined and correctness of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet ascertained by one or more properly qualified auditor or auditors.
- To augment the income of the ISPS, the Society shall invest in lucrative schemes in Nationalized banks.
Changes in the Constitution
- No article shall be added to this constitution and no part shall be amended or annulled expect by formal written proposal, followed by opportunity for discussion at the business session of any regularly scheduled meeting of the Society and by a letter ballot, except as noted in section 5 below
- Proposal of a change may be made by the Executive committee or by a petition to the President signed by at least fifty members of the Soci¬ety in good standing with voting rights.
- The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed change to all members of the Society not less than three weeks before any regularly scheduled meeting of the Society, and opportunity shall be given to the members of the Society for discussion at the business session of the meeting.
- Not more than eight weeks after this meeting, the Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed change, an explanation of the purposes of the change, ballot forms and the effective date of the change, if approved, to all eligible members of the Society.
- A change proposed by the executive committee may, at its discretion, be-submitted to the members with voting rights, with modifications made in the light of the discussion at the regularly scheduled meeting of executive committee. A change proposed by petition, shall be submitted in the original form, but the executive committee shall have the right to submit an amendment to the change in the light of the discussion at the regularly scheduled meeting of the executive committee.
- The adoption of the proposed change shall require the affirmative votes of not fewer than two-thirds of the Members in the general body meeting.
- The result of the ballot shall be announced to the members by the Secretary and, if approved, the change shall become effective at the date previously stipulated by the executive committee.
- Bye-laws may be adopted, annulled, or amended by letter ballot in the manner set forth in Article X for changes in the constitution, or by the affirmative votes of a majority of the Members present at a session of a meeting of the Society.
- No such action shall be taken at a session of a meeting of the Society unless the change in the Bye-laws is proposed by the executive committee or by a written request of at least fifty Members with voting rights nor unless notice of the proposed change shall have been mailed by the Secretary to .each member not less than three weeks before the meeting at which the change is offered for discussion.
- Committees with specific terms of reference shall be appointed, as required, by the President with the approval of the executive committee.
- The committees appointed by the President shall conduct their business in accordance with such rules as the executive committee may adopt for their guidance.
- The executive committee may by a majority decision appoint various sub¬committees from time to time and for such purposes as it may deem fit. Student-members may be co-opted into such sub-committees.
- There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society at the time of the Annual Convention of the Society. In case the annual convention is not held in any year, the Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held in any other convenient place. At the Annual General Meeting.
- Approving of accounts, changes in the constitution and bye-laws which have been approved by the executive committee must be approved with 2/3 rd majority of the members present.
- Five executive committee members personally present at a meeting of executive committee shall constitute a quorum. In exceptional circumstances resolutions can be adopted circulation among all executive committee members.
- Twenty members in good standing with voting rights personally present at the Annual General Meeting shall constitute a quorum, if “the AGM is dissolved for lack of quorum, it will be reconvened within six months at any location selected by the executive committee with at least three weeks notice and no quorum will be necessary for such meeting.
Winding up/ Dissolution of the society
- Any 75 % members of the Society (other than student members and institutional members) or any 8 members of the executive committee may suggest the dissolution of the Society to the Secretary indicating such reason(s) as are found appropriate for such dissolution.
- The Secretary shall put the same as an agenda item for a executive committee meeting to be held not later than three months after the same had been received. After due consideration by the executive committee, the Secretary shall then communicate to all members of the Society, the resolution for dissolution and give one month’s notice for an extra-ordinary General Body Meeting to be held at any location decided by the executive committee.
- Any funds/property standing as available, after meeting all the due expense of the Society till the date of actual dissolution shall be transferred to such an organisation/institution involved in teaching/ research/ allied activities in Statistics for minimum period of five years previous to the date of dissolution of ISPS with due approval from the general body meeting so held in connection with the dissolution