Categories of Members and their voting rights
- The member referred to in the constitution and the bye-laws of ISPS will be one of the two categories viz. (A) Individual or (B) Institutional.
- Individual Members will be of the four types :
- Fellow
- Life Member
- Student Member
- Fellow:A Senior Member will be considered for Fellowship by the Council of ISPS, if the following conditions are fulfilled.
- He/She is a life member of ISPS for at least ten years standing.
- He/She should have made outstanding contributions towards the promotion and development of Statistics and Probability.
- He/She should have no financial dues in respect of ISPS at the time of his/her nomination.
- His/Her nomination should have been duly proposed and seconded by Five life members of at least five years standing and one Fellows of ISPS in the prescribed form, or initiated by the executive committee of ISPS.
- His/Her Fellowship shall be ratified at the AGM, after acceptance by the executive committee.
- All past presidents of the society are Fellows of ISPS automatically.
- Not more than 40 (Forty) Fellows would be on the rolls or” the Society at a point of time.
- Member:An individual can acquire Membership of the Society provided :
- He/She files an application in the prescribed membership application form. (ref. Appendix)
- Hc/She is at least a graduate from a recognised University/ Institution.
- (c) He/She is proposed by a Fellow/ life Member/ Member of the Society.
- Student Member:An Individual shall be enrolled as a Student Member if:
- He/She is a student at a level above Higher Secondary standard and continues to be a student in a recognised academic institution / Professional Body or is registered as a student in the professional course or any other course of Statistics.
- He/She files an application in the prescribed membership application form. (ref. Appendix)
- Life member:Any existing member of any category may become a Life Member or any person eligible to be a member in any category may become a Life Member on payment of usual dues.
- Institutional Member: All institutions /Corporate Organisations interested in the promotion of Statistics may enroll themselves as Institutional Members.
Institutional members will be of two categories :
- Permanent Institutional Members ( Donars).
- Institutional Members.
- Except for Fellow Members, the executive committee shall be the deciding authority as to which category of membership a particular member shall belong to and the decision of the executive committee shall be final.
- All members in good standing with the exception of Student and Institutional members will have one vote each. Student/Institutional Members are not eligible to vote.
Dues of Members
- The membership dues of different categories of members of the Society are specified in Schedule A subject to such variation as may be decided from time to time by the Central Council of the Society. This amount should be sent to the Treasurer of the Society through Demand Draft drawn infavour of “Indian Society for Probability and Statistics” payable at Tirupati.
- The dues of a new member shall be the full annual dues even if he becomes a member at any time of the year.
- Dues will have to be paid within two months of the beginning of a calendar year. Reminders will be sent to those members who fail to pay their dues within the above stipulated period if any member’s dues are not paid within four months from the beginning of the calendar war. The executive committee shall decide on further measures to be taken in this regard.
Severance of Membership
- A member in good standing may resign by submitting a written resignation to the Secretary. Subject to approval of the executive committee, a resigned member may resume his membership upon payment of current dues.
- If the dues of any member remain unpaid beyond a reasonable time, say one calendar year, his name shall be removed from the membership rolls after due notice.
- A member whose conduct is deemed by the executive committee o the interests and objectives of he Society may be dropped from the membership and any office held by him, by a two-third vote of he total membership of he executive committee as been notified at least twenty days in advance of he meeting as to the charges put against him, and has been given 2 fair opportunity to answer the charges in person, or in writting, or by an authorised representative.
- All life members, except student members, who have paid their dues in full, shall be entitled to receive the journal of the Society.
- The executive committee shall be empowered to fix the terms under which members shall receive other publications of the Society and under which non-members of the Society may receive material published by the Society.
- The Chief Editor can constitute the editorial board consisting of advisory committee and area editors in approval from the President of the society.
- The Chief Editor in consultation with the editorial board will take all decision regarding publication of the journal, Periodicity, special issues and its circulation.
- The Central Council may sanction suitable financial grant annually to the Editorial Board of Journal of ISPS to meet an expenses relating to the editorial office and call for accounts as and when it deems fit and maintain consolidated accounts along with that of the Society which shall be presented as a statutory requirement.
- The ISPS may affiliate with other organizations whose purposes are consistent with Article III of the Constitution of the Society.
- The Society may co-operate with other professional societies in such ways as may be consistent with the Constitution, Bye-laws, and rules of standing Committees of the Society. Such co-operation may in¬clude reciprocal reductions in dues.
Conventions & Conferences
- Conventions & Conferences to be organized under the auspices of the ISPS are categorized as under:
- Annual Convention organised by ISPS to be hosted by any institution so authorised by ISPS.
- International Conferences.
- Regional Conferences.
- Seminar/ Work shops etc.
- In respect of events at ARTICLE-IX Section (a) & (b). The executive committee of ISPS shall be the authority to decide all matters relating to the holding of such events including details regarding the organiza¬tional and structural requirements. The Executive committee shall also have control over the financial aspects with the right to review the same and ask for reports from time to time and issue guidelines as may be found necessary. It will be one of the responsibilities of the Institution / organizing such events to submit a full report to the executive committee after the event is held along with an audited accounts, with in a reasonable time as stipulated by the executive committee.
- As regards events at ARTICLE-IX Section- i(c) & (d), there will be enough flexibility, but in case of regional conferences, approval of the executive committee shall be obtained in advance to avoid possible overlap.
- A notice may be served by the Society upon an\ member either personally or by sending it through the post addressed to such a member at his her registered address as appearing in the Directory of Mem¬bers.
- Any notice, if served by post, shall be deemed to have been served on the seventh day following that on which the letter containing the same is put into the post and in proving such a service it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing the notice was properly addressed and put into the post-office as a letter.
i) | Member | Rs. 300/- | per annum |
ii) | Student Member | Rs. 600/- | for three years |
iii) | Life Member (Below 60 years) Life Member (Above 60 years) | Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 1,500/- | One time One time |
iv) | Institutional Member | Rs. 4,000/- | per annum |
v) | Permanent Institutional Member | Rs. 50,000/- | One time |
Those existing Fellows/life Members, need not pay the balance of amount. |